Unexpected. Distant. Isolated. Unknown. There are a million different ways to describe this trip, but perhaps the most fitting is to say that it was unlike anything else.
Over the years, Rip Curl’s flagship Search boat the Quest 1 had been a home away from home to the Rip Curl girls, but alas, she is no more. Earlier this year she unfortunately sunk – just a week before the girls were due to go on a Search trip.
Alana Blanchard, Tyler Wright, Pauline Ado, Nikki Van Dijk and Brisa Hennessy search Mexico for point breaks, beachies and barrels.
Not even a day into the trip, the girls seemed to forget just how big-time they are, and the switches turned off. Suddenly they were just friends on a surf trip. Themselves. And just as they discovered yet another fresh side of Indo on their leg of the Tip 2 Tip mission