Unexpected. Distant. Isolated. Unknown. There are a million different ways to describe this trip, but perhaps the most fitting is to say that it was unlike anything else.
There’s an old saying that goes: “Before you get the princess, you have to slay the dragon”… In this story Louie Hynd finds his own princess of a left with only him and the sea life to share it with…
Over the years, Rip Curl’s flagship Search boat the Quest 1 had been a home away from home to the Rip Curl girls, but alas, she is no more. Earlier this year she unfortunately sunk – just a week before the girls were due to go on a Search trip.
Alana Blanchard, Tyler Wright, Pauline Ado, Nikki Van Dijk and Brisa Hennessy search Mexico for point breaks, beachies and barrels.
Not even a day into the trip, the girls seemed to forget just how big-time they are, and the switches turned off. Suddenly they were just friends on a surf trip. Themselves. And just as they discovered yet another fresh side of Indo on their leg of the Tip 2 Tip mission