Wandering into the various shades of real world blue, Gabriel Medina, Matt Wilkinson, Mason Ho and Bruno Santos pull-the-plug in the search for a simpler stoke.
There’s an old saying that goes: “Before you get the princess, you have to slay the dragon”… In this story Louie Hynd finds his own princess of a left with only him and the sea life to share it with…
Dillon Perillo, Luke Hynd and Pat Curren re-grouped and headed to another island they knew absolutely nothing about.
Like some of the best stories, this one began with a whispered rumour of some far-flung islands.
There are levels of surfing perfection. At the highest level everything comes together. 1. Wind. 2. Tide. 3. Swell and 4. Crowd – or more importantly a lack thereof…
Over the years, Rip Curl’s flagship Search boat the Quest 1 had been a home away from home to the Rip Curl girls, but alas, she is no more. Earlier this year she unfortunately sunk – just a week before the girls were due to go on a Search trip.
We had been Searching for 6-months. Anytime, anywhere. Wherever Ben Matson at Swellnet could direct us into a meaningful swell.
It’s the driving force that lead to the creation of Rip Curl. It’s all about pure Searching for Surf and enjoying the beautiful ride along the way. This clip sums up that deep rooted sense of exploration and desire and invites you in for a deeper look, for and at yourself.